@GeriatricGardener @skwawkbox @UKLabour I do hope there will be a legal action about this. The side effects are pretty awful, and there’s lots of people this could make very unwell. It will depend on whether doctors and medical personnel in hospitals will do this, because they government [with no medical training] demand it; or whether it contravenes their Hippocratic Oath. Also, government recently decided to use [misuse] the Cass Report to prevent people having the medication they require, and in many cases had for years. They claimed it was unsafe. I suspect the side effects of this drug may be far worse and more dangerous than the necessary hormones.
It also contravenes the concept of bodily autonomy; once this path begins where does it end? #MyBodyMyChoice #ProChoice
@skwawkbox @HarriettMB @GeriatricGardener @UKLabour It is impossible for a person to give consent to this drug if they are under duress (facing the withholding of benefits). Without consent the administration of the drug (especially an injection) would be classified as assault. Nothing is said about screening for suitability. It would seem absurd to inflict it upon people who are stick thin, for instance. Giving it to people with a..
@skwawkbox @HarriettMB @GeriatricGardener @UKLabour ..history of anorexia would be utterly irresponsible. Lord knows what other contraindications there might be. These drugs work my mimicking what the body does when you’ve eaten enough and by slowing digestive transit. The latter means it could complicate the effects of oral drugs. The intended effect is that you eat less but that needs to be risk-assessed since self starvation can ..
@skwawkbox @HarriettMB @GeriatricGardener @UKLabour ..induce all sorts of negative outcomes. Self starvation can also induce fat retention as the body tries to conserve its resources. It sounds like a total recipe for disasters.
@christineburns @skwawkbox @HarriettMB @GeriatricGardener @UKLabour
Is Streeting serious (normal answer ‘far from it’), or is this a kite-flying dead cat to distract us while they do something almost as awful?
@KimSJ @christineburns @skwawkbox @HarriettMB @GeriatricGardener @UKLabour It's a dead cat for sure. At best, it's Streeting testing whether the Tory-aligned press will roll over if presented by a Labour politician with a gambit straight out of the Boris Johnson playbook. (Answer: yes, yes they will.)