Does anyone have a list of Spanish language books at like a middle/high school reading level? That aren’t translations? I already read Harry Potter, I’m not interested in rereading it.
@cam ohh my!!
100 años de soledad, de Gabo
Me ofrezco para un book club de ello, hace como 80 años que no lo leo y estoy seguro que está vez lo entenderé mejor.
@cam novels get a bit complicated in language but usually “crónicas” are written for newspapers and have very plain language and some are quite fun
@cam You could look into classics and plays (La carreta - René Marqués, La charca - Manuel Zeno Gandía, Don Quixote de La Mancha, - Cervantes El sí de las niñas - Leandro Fernández de Moratín, etc).
Or look through Libros787 (store from Puerto Rico, ships to the US, idk if they ship internationally too).
If you sign up for their email, they have promotions every now and then.
@cam the young adult novels I read before taking my B2 test were the "Guardianes de la ciudedela" trilogy by Laura Gallego and "Sigue mi voz" by Ariana Godoy.
The former, I listened to the audiobooks (50 hours total!) and read along when necessary, slowly increasing to 1.3x speed. It's a fantasy series.
The latter was originally published on WattPad, so you don't actually have to buy it on paper, I guess. Protagonist is a modern teenage girl.
@cam I remember the Saga de los Confines by Liliana Bodoc to be an entertaining trilogy at that level, if you can still find it.
@cam My daughter quite enjoyed "Peligro de Suerte" by Norma Muñoz Ledo. I remember enjoying Luis Sepúlveda's short novellas at that age - "Nombre de torero", "Un viejo que leía novelas de amor".
@fieryzard "store from puerto rico, ships to the us" is such a sad/funny phrase
@cam it's non fiction but told in a literary way. Usually for newspapers or magazines. Gabriel García Márquez, Tomás Eloy Martínez, Carlos Monsiváis, Elena Poniatowska, Rodolfo Walsh. All good stuff.
@lzg so you mean like cronica de una muerta anunciada? Oh wait I see other books just called cronicas. Hm
@esparta you’re killing my, I haven’t even been able to get through el Coronel no tiene quien escribe
The language is still a little complicated for me
@cam ohh you meant translation as in compare to each other? I had never read 100 years of solitude.
Sorry if I didn't get the point!
@esparta no no you got it right, and i'm probably shooting too high with "high school level" 🤣 i might need middle school level spanish
@cam yeah.. Sorry.
Maybe I didn't get into perspective of non native Spanish reader. I read 100 años de soledad in Escuela Secundaria - middle School. Back in the day I found the book interesting but certainly I though it was High School level perhaps because I was forced to read it. Also for me it had words I didn't knew because are mostly used at South America - the real one, no south of USA for some Americans.
Let me thing again with this in mind.
@cam @esparta I was talking about "Cien años" with @federicomena the other day because I'd looked at the first pages online. He said all of Gabo's complexity is in the vocabulary; the grammar is very straightforward.
I'm not going to recommend either of the books I'm currently reading as ones for people of limited vocabulary. Me cuestan trabajo.
@esparta no you're totally right, i was reading pretty complicated books by the time i was in middle school too lol
i don't know what i was expecting. I guess the "school assigned" books for those ages, which i always thought were too easy
@cam yeap, perhaps tone down to 9-10 yo readings would be better. I know it's not expected kids to have/read complicated sentences at that age. Do you still need to be a translation? Or originally written in Spanish is OK? Let me see what I can find or recall.
P.S. my reading of 100 años de soledad was a 8th grade school assignment - that's why I said I was forced to read it.