We’ve never ordered anything from #Amazon (no shade to those who have no other option). We prefer to #BuyLocal, and we lament the closure of many local stores (e.g., we remember when there were 4 locally owned office supply stores nearby—now 0). Most of us are compelled to shop big box stores now.
A local #Target store was opened for years before we succumbed to occasional Target purchases. We do appreciate their drive-up / bike-up option to pick up our purchases—no need to enter the store!
We’re also grateful that a friend who no longer used these Ortleib panniers gave them to us on “permanent loan."
#BikeTooter #MontereyCounty #SandCity #ShopByBike #Sunset #Tern #TernNBD #ebike #pedelec #friendship #corporations
Edited 166d ago