We strongly urge people to use the free AARP Bike Audit Tool Kit created by #AARP and #BikeLeague, whether in #Monterey County or anywhere. ICYMI, e.g., in #CalBike e-blast, Bicycling Monterey's Autumn Bike Buzz, or elsewhere, here are some details—including updates today (post-webinar) on how much time it takes to do a bike audit. https://bikemonterey.org/bike-buzz-autumn-2023-news-from-bicycling-monterey.html. The Tool Kit is available from AARP as a free download or free print edition. Spanish version expected Jan 2024.
#BikeTooter #MontereyCounty #BikeAdvocacy #bici #bike #bicicleta #ciclismo #BikeLanes #BikeRacks #cycling #bicycling #infrastructure #transportation #LiveableStreets #LivableStreets #CommunityInput
Edited 1y ago