Some good news to start your week:
Last year, London anti-fascist S. was charged with "assault" for his role in preventing Immigration officers from kidnapping refugees that they intended to dump in Rwanda, despite ample witnesses and video evidence showing that the person being assaulted was S. himself by those very same Immigration officers!
S. had to hire a solicitor to fight the charges. The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund, along with S.'s friends, put together the fund to hire a decent one.
Last week, S. had his trial and was found not guilty on all charges! Full story:
This is yet another example of how important the work of The Defence Fund is in ensuring that anti-fascists are properly defended in the courts. Please help us ensure that anti-fascists are always able to vigorously defend themselves against false charges - make a contriubtion to the Defence Fund today!
#antifa, #NoOneIsIllegal , #refugeeswelcome, #yourborderskill, #solidarity