Enough with the sexy Asian lady robots! In my latest column for New Scientist, I talk about techno-Orientalism, and why it has inspired so much bad thinking about the future -- in fiction and public policy. #scifi #futurism #technology #science
@annaleen i alsways liked the fact that on cyberpunk Japan and some cultural aspects are so prominent I mean there is even one movie in the genre that features a Japanese actor in a bigger role. And there is also Ghost in the shell
@annaleen Fighting sexy Asian lady robots? Time to buy a laser-katana then and learn some Kung Fu. Haha no really, this trope is cringe.
@annaleen Why do you think the response needs to be outside of fiction, in tech and scientific exchange? My understanding is there are tricky geopolitical issues around China, eg - does addressing techno-orientalism mean taking a stand on the geopolitics?
@annaleen ooh this was great - it occurred to me while reading that I didn't question this stuff since when I saw Blade Runner originally when it came out I lived in such a white part of the US that I barely saw any other Asians so I didn't even question anything