Hey board game/tabletop pals, does anyone have a copy of the 2001 Asmodee game Death Wears White / La Mort s'Habille de Blanc that you would be willing to sell?
#BoardGame #BoardGames #DeathWearsWhite #LaMortSHabilleDeBlanc #Tabletop #TTRPs #Asmodee
Hey board game/tabletop pals, does anyone have a copy of the 2001 Asmodee game Death Wears White / La Mort s'Habille de Blanc that you would be willing to sell?
#BoardGame #BoardGames #DeathWearsWhite #LaMortSHabilleDeBlanc #Tabletop #TTRPs #Asmodee
@lauraehall i'd recommend setting up an eBay email alert, two copies sold at the end of January for fair prices! https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=%22Death+Wears+White%22&_sacat=0&rt=nc&LH_Complete=1