some cursed source code I used to generate these:
So @Zotmeister pointed out that there were too many pre-filled squares in these, so I added some code to remove redundant ones and suddenly this puzzle is: markedly harder.
I'm *pretty sure* these are all still uniquely solvable but this is starting to feel like it'll need some thorough playtesting before I turn it into something Proper.
Also I am thinking of calling this game Ronin, because "sudoku" is Japanese for "single digit" (kind of) and Ronin is a Japanese lone warrior.
andrew invent a puzzle that's a reasonable level of difficulty challenge 2024, level: same as all my other puzzles
OK! This is it, your reward for staying up until midnight, it's #Ronin #1 officially joining the #CellTower cinematic universe!
There may yet be bugs, there are a *lot* of permutations of options so it's likely I haven't properly tested all of them in Safari, the worst browser. Feedback appreciated!