hey new #introduction for new me
i am alex, i'm a trans guy who recently fled to the netherlands from a terrifying environment.
i am the infamous nederboo of the fedi, but if you happen to not know me at all then here's my informal resume:
- i do art stuff that i post on @narretje; and i do commissions if you are interested. usually i just draw whatever i like instead of trying to chase trends
- i do vidya games, mostly on my 3DS but also happen to play on a friend's switch. i am very normal about nintendo stuffs and pokemon games by the way. i have very normal opinions on things regarding that
- i run this instance (nederland.gay) which has open registrations. it's tiny in here but i hope this place will grow one day
- yes, the part of me living in netherlands is no longer a joke. it is real and i am physically among the funny people. though at the time of writing this it's been a mere week since i fled here hi.
- i know 3 languages: polish (my native language), english (second language) and dutch (newest addition and still very barebones); now guess which place did i flee.
- i am autistic, mentally ill (yes, i am normal about mad pride) and also have a hearing impairment that makes me wear a hearing aid a lot of the time. at the time of writing i am also non-to-vaguely verbal (unless you speak polish to me), so i use a text-to-speech in order to communicate or relay via my friend. i am not accepting of medical/academic approaches to issues surrounding disability, i wish more room was given to raw and unfiltered testimonies of actual disabled people who aren't residing in their ivory towers of doctorates. last thing you want to do is to argue with me on that. i also often may talk about my disabled life and accessibility. i'm open to questions but these will be answered from my perspective. if you know one disabled person then you know one disabled person.
- i am queer and opinionated, and you will not like my opinions probably. unless you are normal about trans men, that is.
if this somehow makes you want to follow me, please make sure i can verify you are 18 or older cuz i don't want minors on my yard
i do not tolerate replyguyism, feelings yakuza, techbros/fossbros and transmisandrists. bye.
on the internet, everyone knows i'm That One Dutch Cat
and rest of my areas of interest that i didnt mention:
#art #digitalArt #artistsOnFedi #furry #otherkin #actuallyAutistic #PTSD #madPride #disabled #gaming #videoGames #nintendo #pokemon #accessibility #netherlands #hardOfHearing
i am alex, i'm a trans guy who recently fled to the netherlands from a terrifying environment.
i am the infamous nederboo of the fedi, but if you happen to not know me at all then here's my informal resume:
- i do art stuff that i post on @narretje; and i do commissions if you are interested. usually i just draw whatever i like instead of trying to chase trends
- i do vidya games, mostly on my 3DS but also happen to play on a friend's switch. i am very normal about nintendo stuffs and pokemon games by the way. i have very normal opinions on things regarding that
- i run this instance (nederland.gay) which has open registrations. it's tiny in here but i hope this place will grow one day
- yes, the part of me living in netherlands is no longer a joke. it is real and i am physically among the funny people. though at the time of writing this it's been a mere week since i fled here hi.
- i know 3 languages: polish (my native language), english (second language) and dutch (newest addition and still very barebones); now guess which place did i flee.
- i am autistic, mentally ill (yes, i am normal about mad pride) and also have a hearing impairment that makes me wear a hearing aid a lot of the time. at the time of writing i am also non-to-vaguely verbal (unless you speak polish to me), so i use a text-to-speech in order to communicate or relay via my friend. i am not accepting of medical/academic approaches to issues surrounding disability, i wish more room was given to raw and unfiltered testimonies of actual disabled people who aren't residing in their ivory towers of doctorates. last thing you want to do is to argue with me on that. i also often may talk about my disabled life and accessibility. i'm open to questions but these will be answered from my perspective. if you know one disabled person then you know one disabled person.
- i am queer and opinionated, and you will not like my opinions probably. unless you are normal about trans men, that is.
if this somehow makes you want to follow me, please make sure i can verify you are 18 or older cuz i don't want minors on my yard
i do not tolerate replyguyism, feelings yakuza, techbros/fossbros and transmisandrists. bye.
on the internet, everyone knows i'm That One Dutch Cat
and rest of my areas of interest that i didnt mention:
#art #digitalArt #artistsOnFedi #furry #otherkin #actuallyAutistic #PTSD #madPride #disabled #gaming #videoGames #nintendo #pokemon #accessibility #netherlands #hardOfHearing