"Under the stress of the final weeks of the campaign, #Trump has somehow become ever more bonkers than he already was. Over the past week, he proposed using the #NationalGuard or the #military against “radical left lunatics”... he called the #UnitedStates an “occupied country.” He stood onstage at what was supposed to be a “town hall meeting” and swayed and danced to his campaign playlist for 39 minutes........"
"And his doomsaying has gotten even more outlandish...
Perhaps the weirdest part of these prophesies of #doom is that they aren’t even original. In the closing weeks of the 2020 campaign, #Trump issued similarly cataclysmic visions — in some cases, word for word the same — about a Joe #Biden presidency. They apparently didn’t come true. (We’re still here, after all, and so are the cows & windows.) Yet Trump is repeating the same loony forecasts this time around"
"Back in 2020, Trump predicted that [if Biden won] “you will have a #StockMarket go down like you wouldn’t believe.”...
#Biden has presided over a three-year bull market, w/stocks gaining more than 50% overall & setting records dozens of times this year. The economy grew at a substantially higher clip under Biden than under Trump and added more than 16 million jobs — compared with the 2.7 million lost under #Trump."