Once again, it's a new instance, but it's the same old nonsense. Please enjoy your stay, unless you're a fascist, a racist, a transphobe, a homophobe, or any other flavor of garbage person, in which case please step on a LEGO forever.
So, who the heck am I?
Hi! I'm Tamsin: a white, middle-aged, Gen X #queer, #sapphic, #nonbinary #trans woman who likes doorstopper novels, director's cuts of movies, extended remixes of songs and albums, all kinds of table-top roleplaying games, 5-string basses, double-cutaway Les Paul Jr. guitars, beaches, forests, mountains, witchy things, living places that haven't outlawed her yet, late nights, lazy afternoons, and writing down half of everything she thinks.
I'm happily monogamously married to a polymath superhero, and we share our lives with my marvelous teenaged offspring, two adorable cats, and a host of delightful friends and co-conspirators.
Things I post about, in no particular order: #queer stuff, being a #trans girl, #magic, #music, #books, #movies, #TTRPGs, #ADHD, #politics, #philosophy, #spirituality, making stuff, and whatever else is going though my brain at any given moment.
When I talk about #gender and #sexuality, it's probably helpful to know that I have a bachelor's degree in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies (with a focus on #feminist history, queer theory, and trans studies) from the University of Washington. Sometimes I joke that I had to get a degree to realize I'm a gay trans girl, which isn't quite true, but still makes me laugh.
I'm exactly the kind of person who likes #ProgRock, #PunkRock, #PostPunk, #TripHop, house, #DarkFolk, #BlackMetal, '70s #funk, old-school R&B, early rock'n'roll, #AcidRock, #AcidFolk, #blues, #EarlyMusic, #minimalist composers, anime soundtracks, and everything #Prince ever recorded.
I have a profound fear of spiders, heights, and isolation.
Sometimes I make things. I craft, I cook, I play (and occasionally run) role-playing games, I play (and occasionally write) music and songs. Most of all, though, I write: essays, poetry, stories, and—this one time, when I was feeling particularly sassy—a whole-ass book about gender, sexuality, queerness, and magic for witches, Pagans, and occultists. (If you want to check it out, here's the publisher's page: https://llewellyn.com/product.php?ean=9780738761329)
My politics are a simple story: I started out as a liberal in the 1980s and, flying in the face of conventional wisdom, became increasingly leftist as time went by. I support universal healthcare, universal basic income, BLM, antifa, indigenous rights, trans rights, queer resistance, sex workers, undocumented and migrant rights, disability rights, autistic people, plural folks, defunding the police, and radical inclusivity. I'm not an uncritical leftist, though, and I'm probably not ideologically pure enough for most movements. (Then again, I'm a gay trans girl, so most leftist movements don't want me around anyway.)