You tell 'em, Supes 🦸🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️
@codinghorror Now get an example of when he beats up Nazis, or takes down the KKK :-)
@Technogourmet @codinghorror
Like this one?
@Stevenheywood @codinghorror Hell Yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about. Might be nice if more old anti-fascist art could resurface all over socialmedia. <sigh> Thanks.
@Stevenheywood @codinghorror Gotta say though. Not a fan of the racism. That's a challenge with WWII, or for that matter WWI as well, era Propoganda. Hmmm, spiders in my mind are reporting from numerous webs that this is the norm for all US Propoganda always, because racism is embedded so deep in US culture.
@Technogourmet @codinghorror
The depiction of Chinese and Japanese people those days is downright embarrassing.
@Stevenheywood @codinghorror I have some old Dr. Suess Books. Most of the ones he wrote actually, and I love them dearly but sometimes one or two will make me cringe hard.
@Technogourmet @Stevenheywood yeah that guy had some .. oddities.. let's say
@Technogourmet @codinghorror
We could do with more from the JSA.