New publication: "Interview with Steve McCarty" [on his professorial accomplishments in Japan].
The College and University Educators research group of the Japan Association for Language Teaching has honored me with their second annual Veteran Teacher Voices interview on my teaching career in Japan. I critique the foreign language teaching profession, discuss future trends of increasing foreigners in Japan, the need for English, and long-term effects of AI on language acquisition.
I believe educationalists will find this article interesting:
和訳 - Japanese translation which I edited: スティーブ・マッカーティとのインタビュー(日本での教授としての業績):
Publications on bilingualism and language teaching:
#TEFL #Japan #Japanese #LanguageEducation #LanguageTeaching #LanguageLearning #bilingualism #InterculturalCommunication #FacultyDevelopment #career #retirement #InternationalMarriage #OnlineEducation
@linguistics @edutooters @academicchatter