@shanmukhateja It is the chicken and the egg, argument. People use WhatsApp, because others use WhatsApp, and others use WhatsApp, because it is easy.
There were platforms, before WhatsApp. There will be platforms long after WhatsApp falls out of favor. But they will have 1 thing in common. Everyone will flock to that platform, because it is not hard to use and it works. Simple as that.
@Linux @shanmukhateja I sometimes get frustrated by people wanting to take the easy way out of everything but there needs to be avenues for both kinds of users. There needs to be ways for users that don't care to be technical subject matter experts and those that do.
@housepanther @shanmukhateja Corporations are smart, because they focus on easy 1st.
If you want people to adapt your product and service, it needs to start easy. You cannot come out with something that is hard, then slowly make it easy. Few, if anyone, will have adopted your product and service, by the time it is. You must 1st start easy, and then add features as you go along.
I wish more developers understood marketing and human behavior.
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@Linux @shanmukhateja @housepanther easy doesn't mean fewer features; it means invisible features. Not having to read something, or do more clicks, or remember something. Easy requires a good library of "user stories" that are tested and benchmarked. It requires research, like watching someone new to the software use it for the first time. Easy is hard, honestly. But yeah that's how to be competitive.