I dedicate this special video to Snow White "Snowy" the Meerkat, who passed away on 31st October. As a meerkat enthusiast who spent years dreaming of meeting her in-person before finally being able to last year, the news of her death was heartbreaking. I'm forever grateful for the time I managed to spend with her, and to all the zoo staff and volunteers at for ensuring Snowy's life was as long and happy as possible. May she Rest In Peace 🤍
#Vitiligo #Snowy #SnowyTheMeerkat #Snowy_the_Meerkat #SnowyTheWhiteMeerkat #Snowy_the_White_Meerkat #WhiteMeerkat #White_Meerkat #SnowWhiteTheMeerkat #Snow_White_the_Meerkat #MichaelJacksonTheMeerkat #Michael_Jackson_the_Meerkat #AdelaideZoo #Adelaide_Zoo #ZoosSA #Zoos_SA #ZoosSouthAustralia #Zoos_South_Australia #Meerkat #Meerkats #SuricataSuricatta #Suricata_Suricatta #Suricate #Mongoose #Mongooses #Zoo #Animal #Animals #Adelaide #SouthAustralia #South_Australia #Albino #Albinism #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #A_Quirky_Australian #Gday_Websurfers #MeerKab #Meer_Kab #Tribute #Memorial #Eulogy #RestInPeace #RIP #SomedayMyPrinceWillCome #SnowWhiteAndTheSevenDwarfs #Snow_White_and_the_Seven_Dwarfs #Vitiligan #Someday_My_Prince_Will_Come #Song #Music #Leucistic #Leucism #YouTube #Video #YouTuber #YT #YTer