My reaction/analysis of the choice of shot for the "climax" of "Pinocchio: A True Story"! 🤥
I do not condone the film's funding by the Russian government (via the Russian Cinema Fund), or any related profits that could financially fuel their invasion of Ukraine. DO NOT buy or stream this film through platforms which could contribute to this, and make sure to support Ukraine! 🇺🇦
#StandWithUkraine #Stand_With_Ukraine #Pinocchio #Bella #PinocchioATrueStory #Pinnochio_A_True_Story #PinocchioMovie #Pinocchio_Movie #Pinocchio2022 #Pinocchio_2022 #Commentary #Reaction #Analysis #Critique #PaulyShore #Pauly_Shore #Lionsgate #LionsGate #Lions_Gate #Film #Movie #Animation #Cinematography #Kabba_Reacts #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #A_Quirky_Australian #Gday_Websurfers #YouTube #Video #ContentCreator #YouTuber #Content_Creator #YT