Witness my tumultuous efforts at the Caria and Volcano manors, where I rebel against The Golden Order and "proper gaming” alike! ✊
🔗 https://youtu.be/l6Imxr9_PbM
#EldenRing #Elden_Ring #CariaManor #Caria_Manor #VolcanoManor #Volcano_Manor #Ranni #RanniTheWitch #Ranni_the_Witch #Rya #Zorayas #LadyTanith #Lady_Tanith #Tanith #Rykard #LordRykard #Lord_Rykard #Caria #Volcano #Manor #HermitVillage #Hermit_Village #FortLaiedd #Fort_Laiedd #AltusPlateau #Altus_Plateau #MtGelmir #Mt_Gelmir #MountGelmir #Mount_Gelmir #Liurnia #LiurniaOfTheLakes #Liurnia_of_the_Lakes #Limgrave #Loretta #RoyalKnightLoretta #Royal_Knight_Loretta #Adula #GlintstoneDragonAdula #Glintstone_Dragon_Adula #TibiaMariner #Tibia_Mariner #FirePrelate #Fire_Prelate #DemiHumanQueenMaggie #Demi_Human_Queen_Maggie #Maggie #GraftedScion #Grafted_Scion #InquisitorGhiza #Inquisitor_Ghiza #OldKnightIstvan #Old_Knight_Istvan #RileighTheIdle #Rileigh_the_Idle #LesserBloodhoundKnight #Lesser_Bloodhound_Knight #IronVirgin #Iron_Virgin #AbductorVirgin #Abductor_Virgin #GodskinNoble #Godskin_Noble #GodDevouringSerpent #God_Devouring_Serpent #RykardLordOfBlasphemy #Rykard_Lord_of_Blasphemy #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #A_Quirky_Australian #Gday_Websurfers #KabbaPlays #Kabba_Plays #Soulsborne #EldenRingGameplay #Elden_Ring_Gameplay #Commentary #FirstPlaythrough #First_Playthrough #YouTube #YT #YouTuber #Video #ContentCreator #Content_Creator #Gaming #VideoGames #Video_Games
Me and my allies journey across the desolate wastelands of #Caelid, challenging new foes and seeking vengeance against old ones along the way.
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNXA803aLag
#EldenRing #Elden_Ring #RedmaneCastle #Redmane_Castle #Limgrave #StormveilCastle #Stormveil_Castle #Stormveil #Dragonbarrow #DivineTowerOfCaelid #Divine_Tower_of_Caelid #Liurnia #LiurniaOfTheLakes #Liurnia_of_the_Lakes #ChapelOfAnticipation #Chapel_of_Anticipation #Radahn #StarscourgeRadahn #Starscourge_Radahn #CrucibleKnight #Crucible_Knight #PutridAvatar #Putrid_Avatar #Greyll #FlyingDragonGreyll #Flying_Dragon_Greyll #GodskinApostle #Godskin_Apostle #DeathRiteBird #Death_Rite_Bird #GraftedScion #Grafted_Scion #MonstrousDog #Monstrous_Dog #LionGuardian #Lion_Guardian #BlackflameMonk #Blackflame_Monk #RadahnSoldier #Radahn_Soldier #Jerren #WitchHunterJerren #Witch_Hunter_Jerren #Alexander #IronFistAlexander #Iron_Fist_Alexander #Tragoth #GreatHornedTragoth #Great_Horned_Tragoth #Okina #Therolina #FingerMaidenTherolina #Finger_Maiden_Therolina #Lionel #LionelTheLionhearted #Lionel_the_Lionhearted #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #A_Quirky_Australian #Gday_Websurfers #Kabba_Plays #Gaming #VideoGame #Commentary #FirstPlaythrough #Soulsborne #FromSoft #Video #YouTube #YT #YouTuber #ContentCreator #ContentCreation #Content_Creator #Content_Creation
I CANNOT believe Square Enix released this the day before Clerith Day (9th December)! I saw the trailer 2 minutes after it dropped, and then spent the next 5 hours making this video, all through a bad migraine 😅 I hope you enjoy my reaction/analysis of "No Promises To Keep", the theme song of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth! 💚
🔗 https://youtu.be/rL2v6t6N30k
#Clerith #Cleris #クラエア #Reaction #Trailer #Analysis #Shipping #Pairing #NoPromisesToKeep #No_Promises_To_Keep #CloudStrife #Cloud_Strife #Cloud #AerithGainsborough #Aerith_Gainsborough #Aerith #Aeris #FinalFantasyVIIRebirth #Final_Fantasy_VII_Rebirth #FFVIIRebirth #FFVII_Rebirth #FinalFantasy7Rebirth #Final_Fantasy_7_Rebirth #FF7Rebirth #FFVII #FF7 #FinalFantasyVII #Final_Fantasy_VII #Final_Fantasy_7 #CloudXAerith #AerithXCloud #CloudAndAerith #AerithAndCloud #CloudStrifeAndAerithGainsborough #AerithGainsboroughAndCloudStrife #Cloud_Strife_and_Aerith_Gainsborough #Aerith_Gainsborough_and_Cloud_Strife #SquareEnix #Square_Enix #SE #Gaming #FinalFantasy #Final_Fantasy #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #A_Quirky_Australian #Gday_Websurfers
With the help of my new clone/wingman, I traverse the treacherous bowels of The Lands Between in order to melt the heart of the coldly ambitious demigod, #Ranni! 🧙♀️🌬️
Happy December Solstice to all who celebrate (Summer in the Southern Hemisphere, Winter in the North)! ☀️✨🌏
🔗 https://youtu.be/9FDk1O5tMJw
#EldenRing #Elden_Ring #Nokron #NokronEternalCity #Nokron_Eternal_City #Liurnia #LiurniaOfTheLakes #Liurnia_of_the_Lakes #Ainsel #AinselRiver #Ainsel_River #Nokstella #NokstellaEternalCity #Nokstella_Eternal_City #MoonlightAltar #Moonlight_Altar #CathedralOfManusCeles #Cathedral_of_Manus_Celes #BalefulShadow #Baleful_Shadow #Astel #AstelNaturalbornOfTheVoid #Astel_Naturalborn_of_the_Void #Adula #GlintstoneDragonAdula #Glintstone_Dragon_Adula #MimicTear #Mimic_Tear #MimicTearAshes #Mimic_Tear_Ashes #RanniTheWitch #Ranni_the_Witch #RennasRise #Rennas_Rise #Renna #MinitatureRanni #Miniature_Ranni #Doll #Witch #SnowWitch #Snow_Witch #TwoFingers #Two_Fingers #FingerslayerBlade #Fingerslayer_Blade #AgeOfStars #Age_of_Stars #EldenRingGameplay #FirstPlaythrough #Soulsborne #Commentary #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #A_Quirky_Australian #Kabba_Plays #Abbak #Proposal #Betrothed #Consort #Marriage #YouTube #YT #Video #YouTuber #ContentCreator
I hope you’re all having a great festive season! Here’s some statistics from YouTube Studio to show how far the channel’s come in its 6 year history! 💚
🔗 https://youtu.be/Mh-VejeMo7c
#anniversary #shorts #analytics #kabbaway #kabba #kab #kabbidge #kabbidges #a_quirky_australian #gday_websurfers #quirky_thoughts_on #overview #summary #boxingday #december26 #milestone #26december #data #statistics #channel #YouTube #Video #YT #Youtuber #ContentCreator
In this special one year post-EOS commemoration, join me as I reflect on #FinalFantasyVIITheFirstSoldier, share the uncut/unreleased footage of StormBreaker Pirate's Breaker Battle 11 and finally share the (mostly) canon conforming backstory of my two avatars from the game! 💚
#Final_Fantasy_VII_The_First_Soldier #FF7FS #FFVIIFS #FF7TheFirstSoldier #anniversary #BreakerBattle11 #TheFirstSoldier #FFVII #FF7 #FinalFantasyVII #FinalFantasy7 #EndOfService #EOS #Gaming #Kabba_Plays #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #A_Quirky_Australian #Gday_Websurfers #PrivateMatch #SummerEvent #ATeam #SquareEnix #Square_Enix #SE #Wedge #Shinra #Soldier #Project0 #YouTube #YT #Video
Thank you all so, so much for 600+ Kabbidges! To celebrate, here's my rendition of "No Promises To Keep", the theme song for Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth! 💚
🔗 https://youtu.be/DnlBmPVM6LI
#Clerith #Cleris #CloudAndAerith #CloudxAerith #CloudStrife #AerithGainsborough #Aeris #NoPromisesToKeep #FinalFantasyVIIRebirth #FinalFantasy7Rebirth #FFVIIRebirth #FF7Rebirth #Music #Sing #Singing #Song #Cover #LorenAllred #FinalFantasyVII #FinalFantasy7 #FFVII #FF7 #FinalFantasy #SquareEnix #SE #1997 #AdventChildren #FinalFantasyTactics #Dissidia #KingdomHearts #Mobius #Remake #Rebirth #SubscriberMilestone #YouTubeMilestone #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #A_Quirky_Australian #Gday_Websurfers #YouTube #YouTuber #YT #YTer #ContentCreator #Content_Creator
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AERITH! To celebrate, here's a video essay discussing The Sealed Tower of the Cetra from Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis, and how it may be relevant to the upcoming game FFVII Rebirth! 💚
#Aerith #Aeris #AerithGainsborough #Cetra #Ancients #Sephiroth #Jenova #FinalFantasyVII #FinalFantasy7 #Rebirth #Evercrisis #FFVIIRebirth #FF7Rebirth #FFVIIEverCrisis #FF7EverCrisis #FFVII #FF7 #Midgar #BattleTowers #MidgarFalls #SealedTowerOfTheCetra #Planetology #Norse #NorseMythology #Yggdrasil #Níðhöggr #Niddhog #Ragnarok #Clerith #Cleris #クラエア #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #A_Quirky_Australia #TheGamingKabbanet #The_Gaming_Kabbanet #Gaming #Theory #VideoEssay #Analysis #Game #VideoGame #Video #YouTube #YT #YouTuber #YTer #ContentCreator #Content_Creator
To celebrate Elden Ring's 2 Year Anniversary, please enjoy this companion video to "Bewitching the Doll || Elden Ring"! Join me as I get roped into exploring a Hero's Grave, rage in Nokron, struggle through a tedious player invasion and complete Blaidd and Iji's quests! 💚
🔗 https://youtu.be/Mk5mxNd4YjI
#EldenRing #Blaidd #Iji #BlaiddTheHalfWolf #Blaidd_the_Half_Wolf #WarCounsellorIji #War_Counsellor_Iji #Ranni #Abbak #KnightsCalvary #Omenkiller #RedWolf #KindredOfRot #Invasion #Rescusant #Limgrave #AltusPlateau #Altus_Plateau #SaintedHerosGrave #Sainted_Heros_Grave #Liurnia #LiurniaOfTheLakes #Liurnia_of_the_Lakes #Nokron #AnselRiver #NokstellaWaterfallBasin #GrandCloister #MoonlightAltar #CathedralOfManusCeles #Elden_Ring #Commentary #Firstplaythrough #Soulsborne #EldenRingGameplay #SoulsbornGameplay #SoulsborneCommunity #EldenRingCommunity #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidge #A_Quirky_Australian #Gday_websurfers #Gaming #VideoGames #LetsPlay #YouTube #YT #YouTuber #YTer #Video #ContentCreator #Kabba_Plays
The following is of me watching my friend Anxrali playing through the Nibelheim and Junon demos for FFVII Rebirth (7th and 22nd of February respectively). Due to not having the PS5 set up with my PC yet, this video was filmed "OG-Kabba style" with an iPad, but the rest of my FFVII Rebirth footage was screen-recorded on my PC and with a mic. Despite the lower technical quality, I believe our experience was worth sharing, so I hope you all enjoy the video all the same! 😅
🔗 https://youtu.be/SybLl_BStOA
#Demo #Nibelheim #Junon #Clerith #Cleris #クラエア #FinalFantasyVIIRebirth #Final_Fantasy_VII_Rebirth #FinalFantasy7Rebirth #Final_Fantasy_7_Rebirth #FFVIIRebirth #FF7Rebirth #FFVII_Rebirth #FF7_Rebirth #FFVII #FF7 #FinalFantasyVII #FinalFantasy7 #Final_Fantasy_VII #Final_Fantasy_7 #CloudXAerith #AerithXCloud #CloudAndAerith #AerithAndCloud #CloudStrifeAndAerithGainsborough #AerithGainsboroughAndCloudStrife #Cloud_Strife_and_Aerith_Gainsborough #Aerith_Gainsborough_and_Cloud_Strife #SquareEnix #Square_Enix #SE #Gaming #FinalFantasy #Final_Fantasy #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #Gday_Websurfers #Kabba_Plays #YouTube #YT #Video #Commentary #YouTuber #ContentCreator #YTer
Welcome to my long-awaited playthrough of FFVII Rebirth! Join me as I wreak havoc on the Germanic-styled town of Kalm, and pedantically analyse the characters and plot all in the name of a good time! 🤣💚
🔗 https://youtu.be/e9ahsFjFmXU
#Clerith #Cleris #クラエア #Midgar #Nibelheim #Kalm #FallOfAHero #Fall_of_a_Hero #ANewJourneyBegins #A_New_Journey_Begins #Chapter1 #Chapter2 #Chapter_One #Chapter_Two #Chapter_1 #Chapter_2 #FinalFantasyVIIRebirth #Final_Fantasy_VII_Rebirth #FinalFantasy7Rebirth #Final_Fantasy_7_Rebirth #FFVIIRebirth #FF7Rebirth #FFVII_Rebirth #FF7_Rebirth #FFVII #FF7 #FinalFantasyVII #FinalFantasy7 #Final_Fantasy_VII #Final_Fantasy_7 #CloudXAerith #AerithXCloud #CloudAndAerith #AerithAndCloud #CloudStrifeAndAerithGainsborough #AerithGainsboroughAndCloudStrife #Cloud_Strife_and_Aerith_Gainsborough #Aerith_Gainsborough_and_Cloud_Strife #SquareEnix #Square_Enix #SE #Gaming #FinalFantasy #Final_Fantasy #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #Gday_Websurfers #Kabba_Plays #YouTube #YT #Video #YTer #YouTuber #ContentCreator #Commentary
To celebrate the release of Shadow of the Erdtree, please enjoy this video of my attempts (and eventual success) at beating Mohg! 👹🩸🔥
🔗 https://youtu.be/Iv5LCJNWxV4
#EldenRing #Mohg #Miquella #MohgLordOfBlood #Mohg_Lord_of_Blood #LordOfBlood #Lord_of_Blood #MiquellaTheKind #Miquella_the_Kind #Mohgwyn #MohgwynPalace #MohgwynDynastyMausoleum #Empyrean #CoccoonOfTheEmpyrean #Coccoon_of_the_Empyrean #Abbak #Lansseax #AncientDragonLansseax #Ancient_Dragon_Lansseax #AncientDragon #Ancient_Dragon #AltusPlateau #Altus_Plateau #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #Gday_Websurfers #Kabba_Plays #Gaming #DLC #Elden_Ring #ShadowOfTheErdtree #Shadow_of_the_Erdtree #Commentary #Firstplaythrough #Soulsborne #EldenRingGameplay #SoulsbornGameplay #SoulsborneCommunity #EldenRingCommunity #VideoGames #LetsPlay #Kabba_Plays #YouTube #YT #YouTuber #YTer #Video #Mogh
From gorgeous grasslands to squalid swamps, the second half of Chapter 2 awaits! 💐🐍
🔗 https://youtu.be/0LWCx__-hNw
#Clerith #Cleris #クラエア #Grasslands #Kalm #FlowersFromTheHill #Flowers_from_the_Hill #ANewJourneyBegins #A_New_Journey_Begins
#Chapter2 #Chapter_Two #Chapter_2 #FinalFantasyVIIRebirth #Final_Fantasy_VII_Rebirth #FinalFantasy7Rebirth #Final_Fantasy_7_Rebirth #FFVIIRebirth #FF7Rebirth #FFVII_Rebirth #FF7_Rebirth #FFVII #FF7 #FinalFantasyVII #FinalFantasy7 #Final_Fantasy_VII #Final_Fantasy_7 #CloudStrife #Cloud_Strife #AerithGainsborough #Aerith_Gainsborough #Aeris #Bill #Billy #Chloe #Piko #Midgardsormr #MidgarZolom #Midgar_Zolom #CloudXAerith #AerithXCloud #CloudAndAerith #AerithAndCloud #CloudStrifeAndAerithGainsborough #AerithGainsboroughAndCloudStrife #Cloud_Strife_and_Aerith_Gainsborough #Aerith_Gainsborough_and_Cloud_Strife #SquareEnix #Square_Enix #SE #Gaming #FinalFantasy #Final_Fantasy #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #Gday_Websurfers #Kabba_Plays #YouTube #YT #YouTuber #YTer #Video
Happy Imbolc! 🐑🥛🌼🔥 To celebrate 700+ Kabbidges, here is a one-take cover of Billie Eilish's song "What I Was Made For" in C# major! 🥬 Special thanks to Karaoke All Keys for the backing track, be sure to check them out! 💚
#WhatWasIMadeFor #Song #Music #Singing #BillieEilish #Billie_Eilish #What_Was_I_Made_For #Subscribers #SubscriberMilestone #Subscriber_Milestone #700Subs #700_Subs #700Subscribers #700_Subscribers #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #Gday_Websurfers #BarbieSoundtrack #Barbie_Soundtrack #BarbieMovie #Barbie_Movie #BarbieMovieSoundtrack #Barbie_Movie_Soundtrack #Barbie2023 #HorseshoeFalls #Horsehoe_Falls #HorseshoeFallsTasmania #Horseshoe_Falls_Tasmania #HorseshoeFallslutruwita #Horseshoe_Falls_lutruwita #lutruwita #Tasmania #Australia #Waterfall #Waterfalls #MountFieldNationalPark #Mount_Field_National_Park #MtFieldNationalPark #Mt_Field_National_Park #YouTube #YouTuber #YT #YTer #Video
After spending so much time lollygagging with the in-laws, now it's finally time to take the next step on my quest to liberate The Lands Between - the legendary city of Leyndell!
🔗 https://youtu.be/r2hVSLUcD1E
#Leyndell #Melina #Morgott #MorgottTheOmenKing #Morgott_the_Omen_King #MorgottTheGraceGiven #Morgott_the_Grace_Given #KingMorgott #King_Morgott #EldenRing #LeyndellRoyalCapital #Leyndell_Royal_Capital #Goldfrey #GodfreyGoldenShade #Godfrey_Golden_Shade #GoldenShade #Golden_Shade #ErdtreeAvatar #Erdtree_Avatar #CrucibleTreeKnight #Crucible_Tree_Knight #CrucibleKnight #Crucible_Knight #UlceratedTreeSpirit #Ulcerated_Tree_Spirit #LionGuardian #Lion_Guardian #ValiantGargoyle #Valiant_Gargoyle #FriendlyDog #Friendly_Dog #EldenRingFriendlyDog #Elden_Ring_Friendly_Dog #RottenStray #Rotten_Stray #Abbak #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #Gday_Websurfers #Kabba_Plays #Gaming #Elden_Ring #Commentary #Firstplaythrough #Soulsborne #EldenRingGameplay #SoulsbornGameplay #SoulsborneCommunity #EldenRingCommunity #VideoGames #LetsPlay #Kabba_Plays #YouTube #YT #YouTuber #YTer #Video
30.8.2024 ~ I'm sure many others had a similar experience! I'll be putting out the full video at a later date, once I'm healed from my upcoming top surgery 💚
#EldenRing #ShadowOfTheErdtree #DLC #Curseblade #GravesitePlain #Gravesite_Plain #Shadow_of_the_Erdtree #Jinx #Jinxed #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #Gday_Websurfers #Kabba_Plays #Gaming #Elden_Ring #Commentary #Firstplaythrough #Soulsborne #EldenRingGameplay #SoulsbornGameplay #SoulsborneCommunity #EldenRingCommunity #VideoGames #LetsPlay #Kabba_Plays #YouTube #YT #YouTuber #YTer #Video
The party navigates their way through the Mythril Mines, the linearity of which begins to expose some of Rebirth's shortcomings (in my opinion) 😅 At least the mythril is pretty, and my boys got some time to shine! 💎
🔗 https://youtu.be/UjK7haiviK4
#Clerith #Cleris #クラエア #MythrilMines #Mythril_Mines #MythrilCaves #Mythril_Caves #Chapter3 #Chapter_3 #DeeperIntoDarkness #Deeper_into_Darkness #Elena #Rude #Tseng #Turks #MythrilGolem #Mythril_Golem #Mythril #ChapterThree #Chapter_Three #FinalFantasyVIIRebirth #Final_Fantasy_VII_Rebirth #FinalFantasy7Rebirth #Final_Fantasy_7_Rebirth #FFVIIRebirth #FF7Rebirth #FFVII_Rebirth #FF7_Rebirth #FFVII #FF7 #FinalFantasyVII #FinalFantasy7 #Final_Fantasy_VII #Final_Fantasy_7 #CloudStrife #Cloud_Strife #AerithGainsborough #Aerith_Gainsborough #Aeris #CloudXAerith #AerithXCloud #CloudAndAerith #AerithAndCloud #CloudStrifeAndAerithGainsborough #AerithGainsboroughAndCloudStrife #Cloud_Strife_and_Aerith_Gainsborough #Aerith_Gainsborough_and_Cloud_Strife #SquareEnix #Square_Enix #SE #Gaming #FinalFantasy #Final_Fantasy #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #Gday_Websurfers #Kabba_Plays #YouTube #YT #YouTuber #YTer #Video
I had a lovely time playing EoW while recovering from top surgery, so I wanted to share my experience with the final boss and ending. This is filmed "OG-Kabba Style" since I was playing it through the TV and didn't feel like setting it up through my PC in order to screen record. I hope you enjoy it all the same! Make more of this type of classic Zelda-inspired game, please Nintendo! 🧝🏼♀️
🔗 https://youtu.be/B_Lyj5vouE8
#PlayableZelda #TheLegendOfZelda #EchoesOfWisdom #The_Legend_of_Zelda #Echoes_of_Wisdom #TheLegendOfZeldaEchoesOfWisdom #The_Legend_of_Zelda_Echoes_of_Wisdom #Zelda #PrincessZelda #Princess_Zelda #Playable_Zelda #Tri #Link #Null #FinalBoss #Final_Boss #Ending #TLoZ #LoZ #NullsBody #Nulls_Body #StillWorld #Still_World #EternalForest #Eternal_Forest #Lynel #LegendOfZelda #Legend_of_Zelda #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #GdayWebsurfers #Gday_Websurfers #KabbaPlays #Kabba_Plays #Gaming #VideoGame #Video_Game #Commentary #FirstPlaythrough #First_Playthrough #EoW #ZeldaEoW #Zelda_EoW #TLoZEoW #TLoZ_EoW #LoZEoW #Loz_EoW #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #Nintendo_Switch #GREZZO #YouTube #YouTuber #YT #YTer #Video
Zelda's the one with the Triforce of Wisdom for a reason! 😂
#The_Legend_of_Zelda #Echoes_of_Wisdom #TheLegendOfZeldaEchoesOfWisdom #The_Legend_of_Zelda_Echoes_of_Wisdom #Zelda #PrincessZelda #Princess_Zelda #Playable_Zelda #Tri #Link #Null #FinalBoss #Final_Boss #Ending #TLoZ #LoZ #NullsBody #Nulls_Body #StillWorld #Still_World #EternalForest #Eternal_Forest #Lynel #LegendOfZelda #Legend_of_Zelda #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #GdayWebsurfers #Gday_Websurfers #KabbaPlays #Kabba_Plays #Gaming #VideoGame #Video_Game #Commentary #FirstPlaythrough #First_Playthrough #EoW #ZeldaEoW #Zelda_EoW #TLoZEoW #TLoZ_EoW #LoZEoW #Loz_EoW #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #Nintendo_Switch #GREZZO #YouTube #Video #YouTuber #YT #YTer
Join me for a shorter Elden Ring episode, where I cautiously meander through the mysterious scenery of the Land of Shadow!
#EldenRing #ShadowOfTheErdtree #EldenRingShadowOfTheErdtree #DLC #Elden_Ring #Shadow_of_the_Erdtree #Elden_Ring_Shadow_of_the_Erdtree #ShadowRealm #Shadow_Realm #Curseblade #GravesitePlain #Gravesite_Plain #ScorchedRuins #Scorched_Ruins #Gravebird #FurnaceGolem #Furnace_Golem #AbandonedAilingVillage #Abandoned_Ailing_Village #Manfly #Man_fly #EllacGreatbridge #Ellac_Greatbridge #MessmerSoldier #Messmer_Soldier #EldersHovel #Elders_Hovel #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #Gday_Websurfers #Kabba_Plays #Gaming #Elden_Ring #Commentary #Firstplaythrough #Soulsborne #EldenRingGameplay #SoulsbornGameplay #SoulsborneCommunity #EldenRingCommunity #VideoGames #LetsPlay #Kabba_Plays #DownloadableContent #Downloadable_Content #TheGameAwards #The_Game_Awards #TGA #TGA2024 #TGA_2024 #TheGameAwards2024 #The_Game_Awards_2024 #LandOfShadow #Land_of_Shadow #ShadowRealm #Shadow_Realm #Leda #RedmaneFreyja #Redmane_Freyja #YouTube #YouTuber #YT #YTer #Video
I dedicate this special video to Snow White "Snowy" the Meerkat, who passed away on 31st October. As a meerkat enthusiast who spent years dreaming of meeting her in-person before finally being able to last year, the news of her death was heartbreaking. I'm forever grateful for the time I managed to spend with her, and to all the zoo staff and volunteers at for ensuring Snowy's life was as long and happy as possible. May she Rest In Peace 🤍
#Vitiligo #Snowy #SnowyTheMeerkat #Snowy_the_Meerkat #SnowyTheWhiteMeerkat #Snowy_the_White_Meerkat #WhiteMeerkat #White_Meerkat #SnowWhiteTheMeerkat #Snow_White_the_Meerkat #MichaelJacksonTheMeerkat #Michael_Jackson_the_Meerkat #AdelaideZoo #Adelaide_Zoo #ZoosSA #Zoos_SA #ZoosSouthAustralia #Zoos_South_Australia #Meerkat #Meerkats #SuricataSuricatta #Suricata_Suricatta #Suricate #Mongoose #Mongooses #Zoo #Animal #Animals #Adelaide #SouthAustralia #South_Australia #Albino #Albinism #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #A_Quirky_Australian #Gday_Websurfers #MeerKab #Meer_Kab #Tribute #Memorial #Eulogy #RestInPeace #RIP #SomedayMyPrinceWillCome #SnowWhiteAndTheSevenDwarfs #Snow_White_and_the_Seven_Dwarfs #Vitiligan #Someday_My_Prince_Will_Come #Song #Music #Leucistic #Leucism #YouTube #Video #YouTuber #YT #YTer
Thank you Kabbidges for all your support in 2024! Enjoy this short message as well as some channel analytics stats! 💚
🔗 https://youtu.be/NJf4ZfOOt1I
#anniversary #analytics #kabbaway #kabba #kab #kabbidge #kabbidges #a_quirky_australian #gday_websurfers #quirky_thoughts_on #overview #summary #boxingday #december26 #milestone #26december #data #statistics #channel #YouTube #Video #YouTuber #YTer
I found this recording in my iCloud backup (my old iPad died and I lost most of the footage I was planning on releasing), so I wanted to share it with you all on the 2-year anniversary of this game shutting down 💚
#FinalFantasyVIITheFirstSoldier #FFVIITheFirstSoldier #FFVIIFS #FF7FS #FinalFantasy7TheFirstSoldier #FF7TheFirstSoldier #FFVIITFS #FF7TFS #Final_Fantasy_VII_The_First_Soldier #Final_Fantasy_7_The_First_Soldier #VariantMode #Variant_Mode #FinalFantasyVII #FinalFantasy7 #Final_Fantasy_VII #Final_Fantasy_7 #FFVII #FF7 #Sephiroth #Bahamut #Firebomb #Cactaur #SlugRay #Slug_Ray #BreakerCrew #Breaker_Crew #LegendaryHero #Legendary_Hero #TheFirstSoldier #The_First_Soldier #Gaming #VideoGames #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #KabbaPlays #Kabba_Plays #GdayWebsurfers #Gday_Websurfers #A_Quirky_Australian #AQuirkyAustralian #Video #YouTube #YouTuber #YT #YTer #Gaming #VideoGame #Video_Game
Naughty ninja Yuffie has arrived, causing chaos for the party and the residents of the sleepy fishing village of Under Junon! 🥷🏻
Thank you all very much for being so patient! This episode was majorly delayed due to me recovering from top surgery and needing to do extra research for the First Aid segment, but it's finally here! 💚
#Clerith #Cleris #クラエア #UnderJunon #Under_Junon #Junon #Chapter4 #Chapter_4 #DawnOfANewEra #Dawn_of_a_New_Era #Yuffie #YuffieKisaragi #Yuffie_Kisaragi #Priscilla #MrDolphin #Mr_Dolphin #Rhonda #Roche #TerrorOfTheDeep #Terror_of_the_Deep #Bottomswell #CPR #CardiopulmonaryResusitation #Cardiopulmonary_Resusitation #FirstAid #First_Aid #ChapterFour #Chapter_Four #FinalFantasyVIIRebirth #Final_Fantasy_VII_Rebirth #FinalFantasy7Rebirth #Final_Fantasy_7_Rebirth #FFVIIRebirth #FF7Rebirth #FFVII_Rebirth #FF7_Rebirth #FFVII #FF7 #FinalFantasyVII #FinalFantasy7 #Final_Fantasy_VII #Final_Fantasy_7 #CloudStrife #Cloud_Strife #AerithGainsborough #Aerith_Gainsborough #Aeris #CloudXAerith #AerithXCloud #CloudAndAerith #AerithAndCloud #CloudStrifeAndAerithGainsborough #AerithGainsboroughAndCloudStrife #Cloud_Strife_and_Aerith_Gainsborough #Aerith_Gainsborough_and_Cloud_Strife #SquareEnix #Square_Enix #SE #Gaming #FinalFantasy #Final_Fantasy #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #Gday_Websurfers #Kabba_Plays #KabbaPlays #Video #YouTube #YT #YouTuber #YTer #Commentary