I CANNOT believe Square Enix released this the day before Clerith Day (9th December)! I saw the trailer 2 minutes after it dropped, and then spent the next 5 hours making this video, all through a bad migraine 😅 I hope you enjoy my reaction/analysis of "No Promises To Keep", the theme song of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth! 💚
🔗 https://youtu.be/rL2v6t6N30k
#Clerith #Cleris #クラエア #Reaction #Trailer #Analysis #Shipping #Pairing #NoPromisesToKeep #No_Promises_To_Keep #CloudStrife #Cloud_Strife #Cloud #AerithGainsborough #Aerith_Gainsborough #Aerith #Aeris #FinalFantasyVIIRebirth #Final_Fantasy_VII_Rebirth #FFVIIRebirth #FFVII_Rebirth #FinalFantasy7Rebirth #Final_Fantasy_7_Rebirth #FF7Rebirth #FFVII #FF7 #FinalFantasyVII #Final_Fantasy_VII #Final_Fantasy_7 #CloudXAerith #AerithXCloud #CloudAndAerith #AerithAndCloud #CloudStrifeAndAerithGainsborough #AerithGainsboroughAndCloudStrife #Cloud_Strife_and_Aerith_Gainsborough #Aerith_Gainsborough_and_Cloud_Strife #SquareEnix #Square_Enix #SE #Gaming #FinalFantasy #Final_Fantasy #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #A_Quirky_Australian #Gday_Websurfers