I didn’t see thousands out in the streets protesting when £350 weather payment was removed from pensioners - nor did I see thousands out on the streets protesting when the two child cap was retained; neither group are immensely wealthy groups - but putting a 1/2 price tax with a ten year repayment plan on people with assets worth several millions, and the media, and half the country is up in arms, threatening to withhold food, or commit mayhem of one kind or another. Instead there was a massive hoo-haa in the media because one man claimed he spent his £350 on good wines. - Landowners with massive assets are being treated as if they were all going to starve to death, homeless in a weeks time. The disconnect from reality is frightening and ridiculous 🤬 #PayYourTaxes #InheritanceTax #WealthyLandOwners #Farmers