I'm not sure having another kid at 42 is the best idea but @BjoernHolzhauer and Small Child are very excited about it.
Small Child: I will teach the baby French!
(She does not speak French).
I'm not sure having another kid at 42 is the best idea but @BjoernHolzhauer and Small Child are very excited about it.
Small Child: I will teach the baby French!
(She does not speak French).
Also, there's a strong social convention that you don't tell people you're having a baby before 12 weeks, because you may well end up actually having a miscarriage or abortion.
This quickly becomes a farce if you stick to it and end up having to be weirdly noncommittal about summer plans.
(I had to tell my dentist "er, the drugs for tooth grinding you're about to prescribe me... I think I'm pregnant..."
"You THINK?"
"Well I was going to buy a test after this appointment...")
@solar_chase I never heard the reason given that if you do it, you WILL have a miscarriage (that'd just be superstitious nonsense, IMO); rather, I heard -- and all the women I know subscribe to it -- that the *chances* of miscarrying are higher during the first 12 weeks, so if you tell people you're pregnant before then, and you end up miscarrying, it'll be awkward to have to tell them all about the loss. So, these women reason, rather wait until you know "for sure", so to speak.
I doubt that includes your dentist, though. They're a medical professional, so they need to know these things. And strangers as well: you can tell a relative stranger. Just not close friends or family or... anyone whom you actually care about and who cares about you, I guess. 🤷♂️
@GrahamDowns yes, I know.
I've had to explain lost pregnancies four times now. It's best just to save everyone else the sympathy.