#RPGaDAY2023 Day 21: Favourite licensed game. I haven’t played a #Star Wars #ttrpg, though I’d love to, especially the OG d6 version. I’m much less of a Tolkien fan than I once was, so #TheOneRing doesn’t call to me the way #MERP once did. #Alien looks great, and I have a game lined up. All that said, for the sheer quality of the product, I’d have to go with Free League’s #Bladerunner, which does the really tricky thing and captures the melancholy as well as the excitement of the world.
Actually, you know what, #RPGaDAY2023 Day 21? I was wrong and I take that back. On reflection, I realised I'd forgotten my favourite licensed game, despite the fact I'm currently reading it. Cubicle 7's first edition of #LaundryRPG captures the feel of @cstross's early Laundry books brilliantly and is possibly my favourite iteration of #BRP to boot.