Lol - your talking about antisemitism and the first 2 comments are
“Show me proof” and “thats not realy antisemitism” - this place is trash
Because zionists frequently abuse the term antisemitism, using it synonymously with anti-zionist.
There are many, many anti-zionist jews, so suggesting that criticism of zionism and Israel is antisemitic is itself highly antisemitic.
Given that what we see on Mastodon is overwhelmingly criticism of Israel and the genocide in Gaza, people are rightfully skeptical of the claim. You look at the OP's "proof" and it's largely criticism of Israel's actions that they take issue with.
@raccoona_nongrata @Nyme @serge it is such an obviously stupid an mal-intended claim, that "criticism of zionism and Israel as antisemitic is itself highly antisemitic". That kind of senseless "gotcha"-rethoric only shows, taht you are not in the slightest willing to take antisemitism seriously as a problem. Educate yourself on antisemitism.
There is no "gotcha". To conflate an entire ethnic group with a single political ideology is racist. Period.
It's erasure of all the anti-zionist jews. From hassids to non-practicing there is a wide gamut of jews who understand that Israel is an apatheid state. It's an erasure of all the jewish students and protestors standing in solidarity with Palestinians, who have taken issue with the human rights violations being committed in their name.
@raccoona_nongrata @FlugunfSV @Nyme @serge
I might be an idiot but Jews, as far as I know, are not an ethnic group. Being Jewish is a religion.
There are black Jews, there can be Chinese Jews....
You can also stop being a Jew if you so desire, that's the thing with religions.
Jews are ethno-religious. And no, if you’re a Jew, you’re still a Jew, whether you reject religion and become atheist or not.
There are black Jews, most notably Betta Yisrael who went from the Levant to Ethiopia over 2000 years ago. There are Chinese Jews, mostly descended from Jewish merchants that traveled the Silk Road from the Levant to Kifang.
You are applying your lens to our ethnorelogious experience. I’d suggest listening more, talking less about us, and asking questions when you don’t know things rather than telling us what we are. @FlugunfSV @Nyme @serge
@Johns_priv @FlugunfSV @Nyme @serge
Adventures with Dead Jews: Agreeable Jews: Ep. 7
- just going to leave this here, in case some people agree to the above and are open to change their mind.
@Bam @FlugunfSV @Nyme @serge So, let me get this straight. if someone from a Jew family cut ties with them, moved to the other side of the world, and didn't practice any religion, their grandkids would still be considered Jews?
That's bullshit and racist, and that way of seeing the world is wrong.
Here in Catalonia we have hundreds of girls of Chinese ancestry because they were abandoned there and adopted here. They grew up here with Catalan families so they ARE catalan, ancestry be damned.
Yeah Bam, what are you thinking that a tribe gets to define their own members? That should be left to the people who expelled, murdered or forcibly converted them!
Damn "Jew families" who have existed for thousands of years before the nation or even the language of the poster, how dare they be allowed to define themselves!
I guess we know what needs to be done again, amirite?
It really is incredible that people think nothing of telling Jews who is and is not a Jew and telling Jews what is and is not bigoted against them.
Particularly in this place where people think they are so sensitive to minorities and so forward thinking. They’d be ostracized for doing that to other minority communities. But when it comes to Jews, those same people not only don’t think twice about it, their peers accept it as normal and appropriate.
@serge @Bam @FlugunfSV @Nyme So, just to learn more and because is still not clear to me. Jewishness is not like native American ancestry were people is 1/8th Cherokee or whatever or like African ancestry were Simon Biles is American or Salma Paralluelo is Spanish, from what you are saying if you have Jewishness ancestry you are then a Jew. Did I get that right?
Different streams of Judaism vary, but the general rule is maternal. If your mother is a Jew, you’re a Jew.
Paternal Jewishness is more complicated and has varying answers that are too detailed for this post.
However, historically, Jewishness was also racially defined by oppressors. For example, Nazis defined Jews based on the number of Jewish grandparents a person has.
There are a few details here though.
If the mom converts out, like officially becomes a Christian, she is not a Jew anymore and her children may not be considered Jewish.
Similarly, we have to ask about which authority the label is for. Is it for purposes of synagogue or to make aliyah, for example? @FlugunfSV @Nyme
“General rule” - 5000 foot answer. 😉
Much like we can get into the implications of forced conversion and conversos as well.
I also intentionally avoided the complications of the right of return too.
I thought you were going to say 'Particularly where people have a holiday where the saying is "Let's kill some Jews!"'
I consider myself pretty knowledgeable about the horrors Spanish Jewry has suffered and I didn’t know about this. Shocking and yet entirely unsurprising.
@serge @Bam @FlugunfSV @Nyme @Johns_priv
what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck