And yet.
Whem the article talks about where does all this water come from?
"High pressure"
"Cold front"
"Gulf Moisture"
"Recycle local moisture"
and even
"An unbroken jet stream flow from Japan"
But not a single word about global warming.
And yet.
Whem the article talks about where does all this water come from?
"High pressure"
"Cold front"
"Gulf Moisture"
"Recycle local moisture"
and even
"An unbroken jet stream flow from Japan"
But not a single word about global warming.
"Different parts of [#China] are being simultaneously hit by floods, droughts and tropical storms, threatening to spur food #inflation if output of wheat, soybeans, rice and corn is affected.
Major rice-growing areas in the south have been soaked by flooding, while droughts further north have damaged wheat and delayed corn and soybean planting."
"Futures for [robusta] have surged about 60% this year, touching a fresh high of $4,667 per ton. Concerns about the next harvest are adding to supply fears after hot and dry weather in parts of #Vietnam damaged #coffee trees earlier this year.
#Brazil’s top growing regions have also faced the brunt of harsh weather, pushing up arabica prices. Some farmers pick smaller-than-usual beans following droughts in late 2023 that hurt crop development."
Drought and heat in #Mexico:
"In January 2024, the Ministry of Agriculture (SADER) estimated a 20 to 40 % reduction in corn production directly due to the drought. By March and April, more products, including coffee beans, were at risk. And by May, some dams in the northwest portion of the country were below 20 percent capacity, endangering crops like corn and sorghum."
Beyond "#ClimateInflation: hunger.
One in 11 people went hungry last year. #ClimateChange is a big reason why.
“The agrifood system is working under risk and uncertainties, and these are being accelerated because of climate [change] and the frequency of climate events,” Máximo Torero Cullen, of the FAO, said. It is a “problem that will continue to increase,” he said, adding that the mounting effects of warming on global food systems create a human rights issue.
“Climate change drives [#coffee] prices up
There’s a drum beat in the background that is #ClimateChange, and that is causing problems,” he said. “That will affect the stability of the market and that’s not going to go away for a long time.”
"Key #crops from potatoes and onions to wheat and sugar are being hit by damaging heat, drought and floods around the world, pushing up prices and threatening food security, [ECIU] says.
But while it “is tempting” to suggest that the UK should increase domestic production to make up for poor harvests abroad, #Britain too is struggling in the face of #climate impacts, the organisation said."
#ClimateInflation #UK
"The drought has prompted about a third of the countries in southern Africa to declare a state of disaster. A massive 68 million people across the region need food aid. "
"#SouthKorea’s famous #kimchi is falling victim to #ClimateChange, with scientists, farmers and manufacturers saying the quality and quantity of the napa #cabbage that is pickled to make the ubiquitous dish is suffering due to rising temperatures."
"On an annual scale, the greatest losses affected spring and winter cereal crops – in the Podlaskie and Mazovian voivodeships, where even 50-74% of the cultivated area struggled with a water deficit. Significant water shortages were also recorded in the cultivation of fruit bushes, strawberries, rapeseed, fodder rape, corn, and leguminous plants. Many farmers in regions affected by drought can expect lower yields this year."
#Poland #drought
" Despite record heatwaves, floods and storms across much of South-east Asia in 2024, more people in the region are concerned about bread-and-butter issues such as #FoodSecurity than about #ClimateChange, according to a new survey."
People need help connecting the dots: that climate change has effects on their grocery bills.
That's what this #ClimateInflation thread is about.
“Our #citrus growers are resilient, but after fighting citrus greening for nearly two decades and having three major hurricanes in the past seven years devastate the heart of our growing region, growers are weary,” he said in a statement Friday.
#Florida #oranges #HurricaneMilton
Farmers Worldwide Hit by Climate Change
"Globally 75 percent of #farmers are already impacted by #ClimateChange or are worried about its impacts, and 71 percent say reduced yields are a major concern. Six out of 10 have already experienced significant revenue loss due to abnormal weather events.
Spanning eight countries — China, Australia, Brazil, Germany, India, Kenya, Ukraine and the U.S. — the survey interviewed over 2,000 farmers between June and July."
"A lack of #water is a hidden and growing driver of #hunger that affects one in every 11 people, the WRI said. Rice, wheat and corn — which make up more than half of the world’s food calories — are particularly vulnerable, with a third of those crops grown using highly stressed or variable water supplies.
Water scarcity could cause high-income countries’ #GDP to shrink by 8% by mid-century and a drop of up to 15% in poorer countries, it said."
Hotter summers in Japan are hard both on rice crops and on the aging farmers growing them.
"Last year, #Japan recorded a poor #rice harvest nationwide because of exceptionally hot weather. Ministry data showed the country’s private-sector rice inventory fell to 1.56 million tons in June, the lowest level since records began in 1999."
"#SouthSudan is [a] #ClimateChange hotspot. A significant concern is the increasing emergence and incidence of crop pests that threaten the plant health and livelihoods of approximately 86% of rural households which depend on agriculture.
Common pests include elegant grasshoppers, bollworms, cassava whiteflies, cutworms, African armyworms, stalk borers, and aphids.
The fall armyworm is one of the invasive pests in South Sudan associated with climate change."
"The #Philippines is set to be drenched by its fourth storm in just over a month, which threatens to add to a growing tally of crop losses that total at least 11.5 bn pesos (US $97 million) this year.
#TyphoonYinxing — known locally as Marce — is forecast to bring more than 200 millimetres (8 inches) of torrential rain to Cagayan province.
Nearly 1.1 million hectares of rice and corn crops could be affected by Yinxing, according to the agriculture department."
"Europe is grappling with a severe #cereal production crisis, exacerbated by adverse weather conditions, high production costs with stable prices, low quality of output, and stiff competition from Ukraine.
“This season was particularly challenging due to a series of adverse weather events for harvest,” he added, highlighting how droughts in Southeastern Europe and excessive autumn rainfall have negatively impacted both quantity and quality of harvests."
#wheat #maize
"Some British retailers and wholesalers have been forced to switch to sourcing #oranges from South Africa and South America early after last month’s catastrophic floods in eastern #Spain left farmers struggling to harvest and ship their crops."
This leads to #ClimateInflation in your grocery bill.
(Also, know the seasons of your produce.
So you don't have to buy them from the *other hemisphere*).
"Global #wine production is expected to drop to its lowest level since 1961, marking 2024 as a historically poor year for winemaking.
This represents a 2% decline compared to 2023, which itself was a low-production year. “The ongoing drop in wine production globally is directly linked to #ClimateChange,” stated John Barker, OIV’s Director-General."
Call it what it is: #ClimateInflation.
"Economists are increasingly starting to assemble evidence that global heating is putting systemic upward pressure on food #inflation – as well as injecting volatility into the food production system worldwide.
The challenges can be compounded by climate-related transport bottlenecks, as when the number of ships that could transit the Panama Canal each day had to be cut because of low water levels."
Sinterklaas more costly this year as cocoa prices skyrocket
"Sharp rises in #cocoa prices have made this year' Sinterklaas celebrations more costly, De Tijd warned on Friday. Prices are unlikely to drop any time soon.
The main culprits for the rising prices are fungal diseases in cocoa plants and bad weather, which resulted in terrible harvests in crucial cocoa-producing countries in West Africa."
"In 2022, inflation reached 9% in the U.S. — the highest rate in over 40 years. That was part of a global trend [resulting from[ the lingering impacts of the pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, higher fuel and energy prices, and food export bans issued by a number of countries.
Extreme weather shocks were another leading cause of escalating prices, said Alla Semenova,. “Climate change is an important part of the inflationary puzzle,” she said."
#ClimateChange affects the entire food supply chain, from farm to fork.
"As global temperatures rise and weather patterns become increasingly erratic, the agricultural sector faces profound challenges that ripple through the entire #food supply chain, from production to transportation and storage."
“Nowadays, the catch is at around 70 percent of the catch when I first came to Geoje,” she said, adding that her older colleagues complain that nature was “richer and more generous 10 to 15 years ago.”
Global food production at increased risk from excess salt in soil, UN report warns
"Scientists say #climate crisis and poor agricultural practices to blame with serious implications for crop yields
Water scarcity, poor drainage, and overexploitation of the soil are key factors behind the increase in salinity. #SeaLevelRses will exacerbate this, with the incursion of saltwater into coastal areas."
#ClimateInflation hits poor people first.
Hospital admissions for lack of vitamins soaring in #England
“We have seen fresh, healthier foods spike in price over the last few years, making a nutritious diet increasingly unaffordable for some, while fast foods are cheap and filling but are low in nutritious content. GPs are on the frontline of this public health crisis, caring for patients who are experiencing the health consequences of growing deprivation.”