“Nowadays, the catch is at around 70 percent of the catch when I first came to Geoje,” she said, adding that her older colleagues complain that nature was “richer and more generous 10 to 15 years ago.”
Global food production at increased risk from excess salt in soil, UN report warns
"Scientists say #climate crisis and poor agricultural practices to blame with serious implications for crop yields
Water scarcity, poor drainage, and overexploitation of the soil are key factors behind the increase in salinity. #SeaLevelRses will exacerbate this, with the incursion of saltwater into coastal areas."
#ClimateInflation hits poor people first.
Hospital admissions for lack of vitamins soaring in #England
“We have seen fresh, healthier foods spike in price over the last few years, making a nutritious diet increasingly unaffordable for some, while fast foods are cheap and filling but are low in nutritious content. GPs are on the frontline of this public health crisis, caring for patients who are experiencing the health consequences of growing deprivation.”